Saturday, February 21, 2015

February Classroom Project update - Term End Marking

It was the end of term for our middle grade classes and this usually means collecting large numbers of unfinished or not handed in assignments. Often this is done to ensure the students will receive a passing grade in the course.  This year things were quite different. We only had a small number of assignments not handed in on time. Most of the major tasks this term, students were given the choice on how they were going to demonstrate their learning. Some students chose to complete their assignments using paper, while others completed their assignments using the classroom iPads. We noticed the engagement level in class has increased, which has also increased the completion level of the students' work.

Another benefit we found using the iPads, was students were not losing their work. In middle school it is not uncommon for a student to misplace their assignment in the black hole known as their binder, locker or backpack. We have a school Dropbox account, which is linked to the iPads. When students complete their assignment, they then create a copy with their name in the title in their teacher's folder. This allows the teacher to access this assignment from her personal device anywhere. The teacher has been able to mark at home without taking a large stack of paper with her.  Students also have their own folder and save a backed up copy to their personal folder. We were hesitant to use this method, as we thought students might delete someone elses assignment, but this has not happened.