Friday, March 13, 2015

March - Classroom project Update

This past week our Science teacher shared the classroom iPad with the Foods and Nutrition teacher at our school. She wanted her students to create videos to document their learning.

Her Foods 9 class has been studying yeast bread recipes. For a project she had her students create videos using iMovie describing the process of making the yeast bread, the functions of each of the ingredients and the nutritional values of some of the ingredients. One of the groups decided to create a video documenting their learning process of baking a pizza.

Her Foods 7 class competed in an apple challenge. Each pair was given an apple, brown sugar, cinnamon, butter and could add one additional ingredient to create a dish. Flavor and presentation were key to winning this presentation. The class then created a video to demonstrate their ideas and learning.

Our school will be on spring break at the end of next week. We have been discussing how we will be storing the iPads during this 2 week break. How or where does your school store their devices? Especially during longer breaks? Do you leave them plugged in to charge the entire time?